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Washington Lions Club

Nonprofit Overview

The Washington Lions Club is a part of Lions Club International, a network of volunteers who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities. The local chapter specializes in helping those who are visually and hearing impaired and aim to fight hunger and diabetes. The club sells brooms, garbage bags, plush lions and RADA knives at the Farmer's Market and other venues. The funds the earn from fundraising go directly back into the community. The club distributes "Caring Bags" for pediatric patients at Washington Hospital, awards scholarships to local high school graduates, maintains the Lions Pavillion at Washington Park and supports other local charities. Since 2004, they have collected over 25,000 used glasses to get repaired for reuse. They also donate to the Lion Charities for eye, cancer, hearing and diabetes research.


Current Needs

The Washington County Lions Club's greatest need is currently in-kind donations. Because they are volunteer run, 100% of the donations they receive go back to the community, whether that be in form of a scholarship, Caring Bag, or support for another local charity such as Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, Christian Outreach or Vision Services. Currently the Washington County Lions Club is in the planning stages of their second Community Bike Safety event. The event will raffle off children's bikes and will host safety experts to discuss bike and road safety, perform bike safety checks on bikes and D.A.R.E. program officers will provide bike helmets and safety tips. They event will be advertised to local schools and flyers will be sent home for students. Monetary donations for the purchase of bikes and advertising are needed for this event as well as for the purchase of plush lions and fabric bags.

Learn more about the Washington Lions Club

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