Washington County Watershed Alliance
Nonprofit Overview
Washington County Watershed Alliance (WCWA) is currently an all volunteer non-profit that seeks to preserve, restore, & enhance the waters of Washington County. Since it's formation in 1998 WCWA has formally represented watershed groups that have helped save Dutch Fork and Canonsburg Lakes, construct systems to treat acid mine drainage, secured funding for stream restoration projects, funded scientific studies and plans for watershed quality & restoration, educated thousands of children & adults on the effects of land use on water quality, and hosted annual cleanups that have removed thousands of pounds of litter from our creeks and creek sides.

Current Needs
In July 2023, the Alliance approved a new strategic plan created with funding from a WCCF Capacity Building Grant. We identified the need to increase our organizations ability to operate as a self sufficient entity. For years WCWA has thankfully received part time staff support from the Washington County Conservation District. In order to fulfil our five proposed strategies, which include expanding sustainable programing, increasing visibility and developing our own identity, creating functional governance, increasing capacity, and growing diversified funding, we need to bring in our own dedicated staff. Ultimately, this means getting a full time Executive Director & moving into our own space. In the short term, the Board plans to utilize consultants as needed to support our volunteer's efforts achieving our five proposed strategies. WCWA turned 25 in 2023! We're confident that by focusing on building our organization up now, we will ensure another 25 years of success!