Washington County Conservation District
Nonprofit Overview
Washington County Conservation District coordinates and implements state wide and local programs to conserve soil health and water quality for the community through three (3) key components: outreach, education, and technical assistance.
Outreach: The district conducts outreach through information technology and social media, participation in key events in the county and state, and interactions with legislators.
Education: The district conducts education through Envirothon competition, school visits, municipality training, information briefings, and events such as Field Days.
Technical assistance: The district provides technical assistance based on delegated responsibilities from DEP, PDA, and SCC. These responsibilities include review of permit applications, inspections of best management practices (BMPs), complaint site inspections, and outreach and education for each program responsibility.

Current Needs
At this time the Washington County Conservation District is looking for interested landowners who want to learn more about best management practices to implement on their property. These conservation practices can involve stream stabilization, agricultural practices, erosion and sedimentation reduction and more. Our second greatest need is for educators who want us to present to their classrooms or organizations or borrow our educational materials to teach the next generation about conservation.