McGuffey School District
Nonprofit Overview
The McGuffey School District is classified as a rural district that encompasses 208 square miles and provides education to students from 9 communities, including the borough of Claysville and the townships of West Finley, East Finley, Morris, Donegal, Buffalo, Blaine, and South Franklin.
District Vision:
We will ensure all students reach their greatest potential.
District Mission:
Better today than yesterday, McGuffey will T.E.A.C.H. (Together, Excellence, Achievement, Community, Hope)

Current Needs
McGuffey has two priority areas focused on providing STEM to students K-12:
1. Career Pathways and Experiential Learning: Wish to continue to develop connections with industries and local businesses to offer students opportunities for internships, apprenticeships, and career exploration in STEM fields.
2. Infrastructure and Technology: Upgrade and create Maker Spaces in all buildings requires adequate technology infrastructure to support STEM education. This includes updated hardware and software, interactive whiteboards, computer labs, and other digital resources.