McDonald Volunteer Fire Department
Nonprofit Overview
The McDonald Volunteer Fire Department is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides all hazard emergency response - fire, rescue, EMS, hazmat, etc. - around the clock 365 days a year to protect life, property, & the environment. Started in 1893, the department has been a staple in the region providing emergency services to both Allegheny & Washington Counties, primarily McDonald Borough & Robinson Township but is also provides automatic mutual aid to Midway Borough & Mt. Pleasant Township as well as to parts of Cecil & North & South Fayette Townships. The department is one of five fire departments in Washington County to be certified through the PA Department of Health as a BLS Squad. Unlike most communities of its size, the department annual completes approximately 700 calls to service per year. Also housed in our organization's building is the McDonald Police Department, borough offices, council chambers, & the area food bank.

Current Needs
Our organization's greatest current need is a standby backup generator for our public safety building which is also home to the McDonald Police Department, borough offices, council chambers, food bank, & other vital events held for the community. Last year an isolated ice storm left our facility without power, which could cause a delay in emergency response. Whether it be from manually opening apparatus garage doors or not being alerted by the in station alerting system, such a delay could cost lives or property or harm to the environment. Consequently, the department has identified an immediate need, however, with the inflation spike along with current fundraising allocated to other department projects this vital need has not yet been met. Procuring this piece of equipment would also benefit the area if there were to be a need to provide a warming or cooling center for the public.