Christian & Missionary Alliance: Washington Alliance Church
Nonprofit Overview
Washington Alliance Church is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance family. Together we WORSHIP, CONNECT, & SERVE Jesus Christ.
Washington Alliance has a long history of being part of Washington, PA. The church started in 1896, with the first meetings held in the courthouse. In 1914 the church moved to Walnut Street. In 2007 a bigger church facility was needed and built in South Strabane. Today, our overall continual growth and ministry needs have compelled us to add more space to our current facility.
Washington Alliance cares about everyone of all ages in our community. A few things that demonstrate our care for the community include: every summer we hold children's outreach events at Washington Park, our teens are part of Mission Washington, our seniors gather monthly for food & fellowship, and we partner and support City Mission. Our AWANA program is also very strong during the academic year.

Current Needs
We have started a capital campaign to build an educational wing that includes a full gymnasium and classes. Our overall continual growth and ministry needs have compelled us to add more space to our current facility. Due to every room being used during next-generation events and outside groups using our space during the week, opportunities to provide meeting space and classes for parents and other ministry areas are not possible. The new educational wing will solve this issue.
Community organizations like homeschool co-ops, medical agencies, Toys for Tots, and alternative sports leagues like Upward Bound, etc. need a dependable place in our community. Our desire is to partner with community groups like these and provide our facility as a place for positive community impact.
Our target is to raise 5 million from donations of all sizes.
Learn more about the Christian & Missionary Alliance: Washington Alliance Church
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