A Learning Journey: A Focus on Education in Washington County
Washington County provides educational opportunities ranging from historical societies to educational institutions, to organizations focused on aiding individuals through personal and professional growth.
- In Washington County as of 2021, 45.6% of students viewed the material they are learning in school as going to be important later in life (compared to 41.8% at the state level). School work was viewed as meaningful and important by 35.6% of students (state rate: 32.4%) and 36.7% enjoyed being in school during the past year (state rate: 37.6%). - 2021 Pennsylvania Youth Survey: Washington County
- Washington County is home to 14 public school districts, one public school district (Brownsville) that includes a part of Washington County, two career & technology centers, many preschools, dozens of private/non-public schools, a nursing school, and options for college-level or business/technical schools. Additionally, the county contains 14 independent community-based libraries.
- For
2018-2022, the United States Census Bureau reported 94% of persons ages
25 years+ in Washington County have a high school diploma or higher. Of
the same population, 32.4% have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
- District Collaboration
- Family Commitment
- High Graduation Rate
- Head Start Facilities
Mental health concerns have increased since the pandemic. Members of our annual focus group discussed the rise in Individualized Educational Plans from 6-9% of students in the early 2000’s to 28-29%. The CDC reported in 2021 that more than 40% of students displayed depressive symptoms, and many have had thoughts of suicide. Focus group members reported many students are displaying a lack of social skills due to extensive screen time and the isolation caused by the pandemic. Experiences of violence and poor sexual protection behaviors have also become more commonplace among teens.
Focus group members expressed a desire to have more after-school programs for children neglected at home but noted the high expense of teacher union wages and transportation as major roadblocks. In May of 2024, California School District received a grant allowing them to provide an after-school program for at-risk elementary students, reported to begin in the fall of 2024. They plan to target 135 students to provide educational, literacy, and some physical support, along with transportation home.
A suggestion made by the focus group involved engaging the county’s retirees and senior population to create a mentorship program for at-risk children in the area. Should such a program be established, 84% of our survey respondents indicated an interest in enrolling a child.
The National Center for Education Statistics reported that out of the 500 Pennsylvania school districts, there were 1495 librarian/media specialists and 1200 librarian/media support staff in the 2022-2023 school year. More populated districts such as Pittsburgh and North Penn (located in the suburbs of Philadelphia) employ upwards of 20. An amendment made to a house bill in March of 2023 will require each public school in the commonwealth to employ at least one certified librarian, effective in late May of 2023.
Participating Nonprofits
- Bentleyville Public Library
- Bentworth School District
- Beyond Survival Ministries
- Boy Scouts of America, Laurel Highlands Council
- Bradford House Historical Association
- Burgettstown Area School District
- California Area School District
- Canonsburg Houston Southpointe Rotary
- Center for Coalfield Justice
- Citizens Library Association of Washington
- Cornerstone Care
- Donora Public Library Association
- Faith Christian School & Institute
- Fort Cherry School District
- Frank Sarris Public Library
- Goodwill of Southwestern PA
- Heritage Public Library
- Historical Society of Western PA/Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historic Village
- Leadership Washington County
- LeMoyne Community Center
- Literacy Council of Southwestern PA
- McGuffey School District
- Metro Pittsburgh Youth For Christ
- Monongahela Area Library
- National Duncan Glass Society
- National Pike Trail Council
- Pennsylvania Trolley Museum
- Peters Creek Historical Society
- Peters Township School District
- Peters Twp Vol Fire Company #1
- Resurrection Power of Washington Pennsylvania
- Ringgold School District
- Southwest Training Services, Inc.
- The Brownson House
- The Peters Township Library Foundation
- The Venetia Heritage Society
- Titanium Titans
- Trinity Area School District
- VetPets
- Village of FPC
- Washington Community Theatre
- Washington County History & Landmarks Foundation
- Washington Lions Club
- Western Area CTC
- WQED Multimedia

Washington County Nonprofits
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